Blog: I write a blog regularly that focuses on topics around cultivating self-awareness, getting clarity about what’s important, building confidence, coping with overwork, making mindset shifts and building mental and emotional fitness. From time to time, I will share some of my thoughts of books that I read which I would recommend to others.
Podcast Feature: From time to time, I receive invites from podcast hosts to be a guest on their podcasts. We talk about a range of topics from personal development to entrepreneurship.
Resources: I am still building out this page based on the feedback that I get from clients, friends and family about what they find useful for their personal growth. At this stage, I am putting materials around life purpose, gratitude journalling prompts, the Enneagram, Law of Attraction, neuro-linguistic processes, productivity templates, habit trackers, mindfulness resources.
Please drop me a note if there is something that you would like to know more about and I will be happy to put you in touch with the appropriate resources.